The Abrams first played in our theatre in 2007, and we are excited to see their return on April 27, 2023! Brothers John and James Abrams, fourth-generation touring musicians, have literally toured the world and, at their young ages, have 20 years of performing under their belts. These Warner Records artists play with explosive energy that draws you right in to the performance and leaves you wanting more.
The Abrams are multi-award winning, having been recognized in their home country of Canada and in the United States. They performed on the Grand Ole Opry and were ambassadors for peace, through music, in the Middle East. Many milestones were achieved before they reached the age of majority!
John and James do not remember a time that country music, the fiddle and guitar, were not part of the fibre of their being. Over these past 20 years their songwriting and stage presence have evolved into the lively show that we will enjoy in April. Come out and be entertained!