The JBC Building

Entrance is under the canopy.
Inside floor plan: JBCFloorPlan
Our Equipment
- 2 Speakers Peavey SP 5xt
- SoundMixer(AMP) XR600E (6 channel) (16 channel)
- 4 Microphones (Regular)
- Mic Remote (Hand Held) Receiver control, Power Supply
- Mic Remote (Lapel) Receiver control, Power Supply
- 4 Mic stands
- 2 Boom Mic stands
- 2 Mic Cables, 50 ft
- 4 Mic Cables, 25ft
- Monitor (Stage control equalizer ); Connecting cord
- DX controller box
- CD Player (5 Disc), Power Supply, Connecting Cables
- Double Cassette Player, Power Supply, Connecting Cables
- 2 Communication Headsets (for stage crew)
- Hand Truck (dolly)
- Lighting Equipment (6 front of the house 1000w leko 2-500w Fresnel; over stage 6-500w Fresnels, 8 -150w on 4 dimmers with colour gels)
- Control Panel (Leprechaun 24 channel lighting console)
- Power Supply for console
- 2 Cords for console, 50 ft
- Follow Spotlight Altman 1000w
- Gels (assorted)