Jordy Jackson

April 5, 2019

8:00 pm

The Jordy Jackson Band is an up and coming high energy country band from Kingston. Best known for their original music, fan favourite covers, and electric live performances, the band has earned their way into such country festivals in Ontario as the Tweed Stam-pede, Trackside Music Festival, and the Havelock Jamboree. Jordy also entertained the crowd in Athens at the Country in the Park in 2017.

The Jordy Jackson Band’s original music is best described as fun, upbeat, and relatable. With a rocky twist on a traditional sound, it makes for a truly original experience and has landed their recent single “Canadian Redneck” spins on local country radio stations.

The band’s performance will include both acoustic and energetic songs providing country music for all members of our audience. Come and check out a great band performing in our theatre.

Purchase tickets here